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Jesse Gray Primary School

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Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 information page.

The page below will be updated with documents and resources which you can download and view below. However, the main way to see what we get up to is via the Twitter feeds:



At Jesse Gray, we also use Seesaw to showcase and share some of the wonderful work that your children do in school. You’ll get a notification if your child posts something new into their journal, enabling you to be involved in their learning journey. Seesaw is encouraged as the main way of parents communicating and messaging with teachers at school. In the event of school / class closures, Seesaw is the platform used to deliver our home learning. Please do get in touch with your child's class teacher or the office if you require help with logging in to your child's account.

Useful Links


Any questions, please contact us on:

1J - Andy Hassall - ahassall@ga.jessegray.notts.sch.uk

1G - Jackie Warren  - Jwarren@ga.jessegray.notts.sch.uk